Thursday, January 06, 2005

Frankly, I have no idea as to whether this information is true. But I love it:
The military has been very busy here lately. Apparently, the Marines teamed up with some Psyop boys. The USMC put together two PLATOONS of snipers, & headed with the speaker boys out to Fallujah. When they got there, nobody in sight.

The speakers would blare, "Why don't you come out & fight. Why do you hide behind your women? Take off your Burkha & come out to meet us. We are ready to fight you." .... Nothing.

Keep speakers blaring. Pretty soon, one guy jumps up & starts coming out. BOOM. Down he goes.

Crank the speakers back up. "That guy wasn't righteous with Allah, or that couldn't have happened. Where are the righteous fighters that Allah will watch out for? Come out & show yourselves." BOOM.

By the end of the night, 42 insurgents had come to the call.