Michelle's Dream Pick
Michelle Malkin offers her choice to head the Department of Homeland Security: Peter Nunez, former United States Attorney, Southern District of California (1982-1988), former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement (1990-1993). She also offers this excerpt from his congressional testimony in February 2004 on preventing the entry of terrorists into the United States:
This country must remember that it is based upon the concept of the rule of law. We are a nation of laws - we must abide by the laws we have adopted to deal with the problems of immigration, drugs, and terrorism. It is not enough to pass laws in Congress or in the state legislatures and then ignore them because we are afraid of offending special interests or because of notions of political correctness. And there is no way a country can fight a war against terrorism when it ignores its borders, refuses to enforce its laws away from the borders, and provides sanctuary or informal immunity to those who have broken our laws by coming here illegally or staying beyond their welcome.This guy is saying all the right things, so he of course has no chance. But we can lobby the White House here, and hope for a Christmas miracle.
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