Christmas Gifts for Troops
From the Freedom Alliance:
'Tis the Holiday Season and Wounded Service Members Need Your HelpMore opportunities to give here.
by Oliver North
November 30, 1999
Freedom Alliance Donation Campaign Needs Your Help
During the holiday season we have reason to reflect on the bravery of our soldiers and their families. Two years ago, Freedom Alliance, which honors and encourages military service, launched an injured service members campaign and asked Americans to remember our Vets – and particularly the active duty injured service members – by sending donations (full list below, please send money or listed items only) to the Freedom Alliance headquarters in Dulles, Virginia. At Christmastime, our service members need the donations and prayers of Americans more than ever.
“We have had the opportunity to visit wounded heroes at both Walter Reed Army Hospital and Bethesda Naval Medical Center, and while these service members are receiving fantastic treatment, they still need our help,” said Tom Kilgannon, Freedom Alliance President. “While America has pledged to ‘Never Forget’ what our heroic service members, firefighters and police did on 9/11, many are unaware of the injuries sustained in Afghanistan and Iraq since then – and now. Service members across the country at the military hospitals can really use donations.”
Kilgannon continued, “The Freedom Alliance Support the Troops Campaign has been going strong and Americans have truly rallied to deliver supplies to these brave souls and their families. But the needs of these service members have changed and we are asking people to send monetary donations to the Freedom Alliance headquarters in Virginia (full address and phone number listed at conclusion of release) so that we can purchase the following items listed below:
• Airfare – For family members who cannot afford to fly to see their injured sons and daughters.
• Hotel Accommodations – For family members who cannot afford accommodations otherwise.
• Portable/Individual Digital Video Disk (DVD) Players and Compact Disk (CD) Players – Many service members are hospitalized for several months and these entertainment items will help them pass the time.
• DVDs – Movies for the service members to watch while hospitalized – action, comedy and suspense-thrillers are most appropriate.
• CDs – Music tracks of classic rock, country, pop, and other types of music are most helpful.
• Phone Cards
• Cards and Notes – Many service members requested cards and notes – especially from children. They are hundreds of miles from family and friends, and holiday cards and notes, especially from school-aged children would be appreciated.
Please send donations to:
Freedom Alliance - Support the Troops
22570 Markey Court, Suite 240
Dulles, Virginia 20166
Donations will go into the Freedom Alliance Support the Troops Fund to buy the listed items or assist in other situations, which may arise. Thank you for your support. Please send money or the above listed items only.
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