Not Specter
An alert from the Family Research Council:
In what has to be the height of arrogance and ingratitude, Senator Arlen Specter, the man set to become the head of the Judiciary Committee, warned President Bush against nominating pro-life judges. This is after President Bush campaigned for Sen. Specter over pro-life Pat Toomey and is responsible for Specter's re-election to the Senate. While the senator did vote for the confirmation of Clarence Thomas, he has spent much of his public life fighting against the confirmation of pro-life judges--including leading the fight against Ronald Reagan's nominee to the Supreme Court, Robert Bork. He has a history of pandering to the aggressive abortion lobby, and a Specter chairmanship would be disastrous. As chairman, he would control the confirmation process of federal judges, including nominees to the Supreme Court. He would also determine the makeup of the Senate Judiciary Committee staff, which would go a long way toward determining the committee's political and judicial philosophy.
What is especially troubling about the Sen. Specter's comments is that they come on the heels of an election that overwhelmingly affirmed pro-life candidates and a pro-family philosophy. With the addition of five new pro-life senators, the Senate itself became significantly more pro-life on Tuesday. Now is not the time to shrink from the duty to protect the dignity of life and family. President Bush has stated repeatedly throughout the months leading up to the election his commitment to a culture of life and his legacy will likely be defined in large part by who he appoints to courts in the next four years.
Majority Leader Dr. Bill Frist has affirmed his agreement with the President time and again regarding his understanding of the courts, the role of the Senate in the confirmation process, and the dignity of life. Senator Frist and the overwhelming majority of pro-life Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee need to stand up for the President and the American people and oppose the Specter litmus test. Our pro-life President and his colleagues in the Senate MUST NOT ALLOW Sen. Specter to determine the makeup of our courts! Sen. Specter should not become the next Judiciary Committee chairman.
Call Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Republican Committee Members through the Capitol Switchboard, 202-224-3121:
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