Use of lawyers and judges to impose their will upon the majority has been a tactic of the Left for decades, and now in a chilling press release, RNC Communications Director Jim Dyke lays out in detail how the Democrats plan to stage what amounts to an election day coup d'etat:
After filing more than 40 lawsuits in 18 battleground states in recent weeks, and in keeping with their Election Day playbook, Democrats are prepared to execute an Election Day litigation strategy. As soon as the polls open in the morning, their touted 10,000-plus lawyers will systematically file litigation to change the rules in battleground states across the nation and create a sense of chaos.Read it all. And remember, if Kerry wins, these people will be running things and making lifetime judicial appointments.
Before the day is out, Democrats will begin to argue that every provisional ballot should be counted, regardless of the circumstances or legality in which it was cast, thus allowing them to convert third party registration fraud into voter fraud on behalf of John Kerry.
The Democrats’ Election Day litigation strategy has three primary objectives:
Securing special rules and extensions for the benefit of Democrats in predominately Democrat precincts.
Eliminating traditional safeguards against voter fraud, including I.D. requirements and voting in precinct.
Creating a sense of chaos, with the hope of casting a shadow of doubt over Election Day.
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