Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Why California is Like Hell With Beaches

Take a look at the list of objectionable bills on the Governator's desk (descriptions courtesy The Campaign for California Families):
AB 358: Eliminates the distinction between male and female in state law

AB 1520: Creates a state-endorsed transsexual veterans memorial

AB 1918: Forces school districts to pay to undermine marriage in family leave policy

AB 2580: Awards marriage-like solemnization to "domestic partners"

AB 2871: Government-sponsored "needle exchange" program for drug abusers

AB 2900: Forces transsexual agenda on businesses, schools and foster care

SB 1159: Allows doctors and pharmacists to distribute drug needles without a prescription

SB 1234: Hate-crime agenda infringing on free speech and imposing transsexuality throughout the Penal Code

SB 1313: Exempts "volunteers" from having to report the sexual abuse of children

SB 1343: Promotes "nanny government" encouraging mothers to place their infants in day care
If you would like to voice your opposition to any or all of these, the Campaign has contact information here.