Friday, July 30, 2004

What You Can Do

Been wondering what you can do to keep Dubya in the White House and avert the disaster of a Kerry-Edwards administration? Check out the Republican National Committee's is an online toolbox for Republican activists.

It is personalized and local.

GOPTeamLeader gives you the power to quickly voice your opinions and influence your Representatives.

Once you become a Leader, you can use to:

  • Learn about and help fellow Republicans running for office in your state, as well as on a federal level;

  • Track and research local and federal issues and bills of interest to you;

  • Write your local and federal representatives, while accessing official RNC talking points from;

  • Collect GOPoints by completing Action Items and redeem them for collateral of your choice, ranging from leather PDA covers to folding chairs.

  • Encourage participation in the political process by building your own Team of activists who you can share information with.
Okay, the GOPoints thing is a little corny. Sort of reminds me of the old "Win this bike by selling our seeds!" pitches I used to get in the mail as a kid. Nevertheless, this is a nice networking strategy. And since, like a good Ten Minute Lobbyist, you are already lobbying your elected officials, why not earn a cool tote bag while you're saving Western civilization?

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